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Brewers Doodles is committed to donating one puppy from each of our litters to an individual or family needing a service companion.

We always offer a military and first responder discount as well!

Beyond 5013C

Beyond is a non-profit created by Brewers Doodles to partner with breeders in benefiting those in need of service companions. 

Beyond (Infographic) (Facebook Cover).png

The Fleming Family

The Fleming family received a St. Berdoodle from our November 2021 litter and have named her Oaklee!

We are the Fleming Family! My husband Andy and I have been married almost 17 years. We have 9 kiddos; seven boys and two beautiful girls. Our third child and youngest girl is Avonlea. Avonlea is extra special because she has Malan syndrome which causes overgrowth and global delay. Avonlea is 11 but developmentally about the age of 3. She loves her friends, music and baby dolls. Av is primarily nonverbal which makes life a bit more complicated for those who love her. Not being able to communicate her needs and wants causes frustration and anxiety. Having an emotional support pup would vastly improve her quality of life! She loves animals and having the bond with a dog would help alleviate some of the challenges we face on a daily basis. We already have emotional support training lined up and look forward to see how far we come with an emotional support dog!


February 2022 Litter

Our sweet Rory girl is going to an amazing family! We are excited to share their story in the days to come!

We cannot wait to see this sweet girl grow and touch the lives of those around her!

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